Zurück nach Bamberg für Den Früh Bock

Lord Clive, Lady Maggie, Marg and Hector departed from Crawley at 05.00, in no time at all we arrived in Bamberg at 15.30. Checking in at the revamped Alte Post Hotel, now the Hotel Andres, we were delighted to discover Wi-fi Kostenlos. Just getting it to work is the next thing. Success.

We’re here for the Bier

So I have to remind Marg who is an expert on the best Bier in Deutschland and could lead a party round all the Brewery Taps. Don’t ask her what the Bier tastes like, apart from Smoky.

We started Das Ritual at Spezial. Dr. Stan’s favourite Waitress was on duty, I haven’t see her for a couple of years. I showed her Dr. Stan’s photo and advised her that her Beau would be here in a few weeks. Nice to be nice. Marg went for a wander whilst the Three managed to get well out of phase. When Marg returned we were once again harmonious and headed to Schlenkerla where the Urbock was waiting.

The People were out in the streets drinking the Urbock, not a good sign. The only table with space was in the vestibule. We squeezed in and then took advice on securing Bier. One would be served at The Hatch, that was it. Hector did the Honours and secured Three Pfand also. There was nothing for Marg so she went looking and found the same table that Steve and Hector occupied on The Couples Trip in July/August to be free.

A Tale of Two Doris  (Plural – Dories?)

Doris was not happy with us sitting down with Bier at her table. In fact she was generally not a happy person at all. Her patience in taking the subsequent orders for Food and Drink showed a distinct lack of patience. Did she think Clive was using a Magnifying Glass to read The Menu just for fun?

Fyfe Robertson is Immortal

Hector would not take – No – for an answer. Wir Stehen Hier! was my exclamation when she expected us to give up the table. Occasionally Crap Deutsch has its advantages. She gave up and served us for the next couple of hours.

The Good Doris

Hector went to visit The Other Place. As he stood up a Waitress was coming past with some plates. He gave way like any Gentleman would. Hallo – said The Good Doris. She remembered me from the summer. That made my day. She even humoured me when it became time to take Artistic Photos. It was The Good Doris who told the Bier Pourer to let me have a shot. She is next on duty early on Wednesday.

The Urbock

One of the most sensational Biers on The Planet. No Argument. Smoked Kippers in a Glass, but with Aggression. Worth coming to Bamberg for even though few Bocks are on this early in October. The Bad News that is Breaking – the Urbock has become sweeter. This is shocking.

Who is the Father of the Sons of Zebedee?

The Ladies had long since departed. At 21.30 Clive and Hector decided that we had had enough Sweet Urbock. Let’s move on. Taxis were invisible, it was too early for a Kebab. The Night Bar has gone. And so did we. Bed by 22.00? One would think we had been up since 04.30.

I wasn’t even Last Out of Schlenkerla…

The Brewery Taps visited today:-

Spezial  –  Obere Königstraße 10, 96052, Bamberg.

Schlenkerla  –  Dominikanerstraße 6, 96049, Bamberg



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