A Tale of One Ale
Rain was forecast for today. It was raining, seriously raining. Even with the Umbrella in hand, the trousers were soaked by the time Clive and Hector reached Crawley station for our planned sojourn to Brighton.
The Evening Star thankfully is only a short hop from Brighton Station. Yes, it was worth coming all the way down to the South Coast to visit this pub on a Sunday lunchtime, Magic Rock’s (Magic Rock Brewing, Huddersfield, Yorkshire) Highwire was on offer. The Chaps back home have been leading a Merry Dance this very weekend trying to track it down, even going as far as… Edinburgh… Here it was in a quiet Pub, a Cask, all for me… Clive had some too, there was no going back. Cool, Dry and Cheek Suckingly wonderful, this is the style of Ale we crave, and here it was in perfect condition.
The rain continued to pour down, we couldn’t leave, but eventually there was a gap in the clouds and Clive took me on a Tour of Brighton. This was not his aim but Google maps do not always convey an accurate representation of what is out there.
Our next port of call was the Craft Beer Co, Brighton Branch. There was an array of Taps and at one end, a Tap
for… Magic Rock Highwire! The Tap looked dubious, was it Keg? The Chap insisted it was Cask and the Ale was pumped using a method by which Air does not come in contact with the Beer. So, why was it so different from what we had just consumed a few blocks away? This version took an age to drink and was nowhere near as pleasant. I tried some Draught Kriek, they had Boon!, but very little of it. Delightfully, Tart, perhaps a first time for Hector on draught.
Time to move on, it is dry. As soon as we left the Pub the heavens opened again.
Somebody had described the Heart & Hand to Clive as being the best Pub in Brighton – The Swan relocated. They had one Ale we could drink, Harveys Best (Lewes, West Sussex). This compared poorly to the Highwire. A return to the Evening Star would facilitate the return to Crawley with ease. The quality of the Highwire was again assured, this is the best I have tasted it. And there was so much of it available…
This was the end of the Bier Drinking for the weekend. Maggie was waiting for us back in Brighton, she was keen to go for a Curry. We tried a new place I had spotted – The Desi Grill and Karahi House. We had an early night, some had work in the morning, Hector had to be at Gatwick for an 07.00 flight.
The Lost Weekend – Conclusion
The App may have gone and returned, however, there’s more. Where are the photos for Brighton?
Found them…
The Pubs visited today:
The Evening Star – 55-56 Surrey Street, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3PB
Craft Beer Co. – 22-23 Upper North Street, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 3FG
The Heart & Hand – 75 North Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1YD
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