Birreria Cum Panis – Via Pasubio, 2/D, 07100 Sassari SS
Cum Panis, what a name. This bar-restaurant is located off Viale Trento to the northeast of the old town in Sassari. With only three taps the choice of draught Bier is restricted, the Bier fridge is another matter. I did ask about the price of one my all time favourites – Hanssens Kriek (Belgium). I didn’t like the answer.
We sat at a high table opposite the bar and were soon engaged by the locals. The large dining room was apparently fully booked, so Cum Panis one concludes is more restaurant than bar. A familiar face came in, there had to be a photo: Mein Host at BNO! Birreria di Nord Ovest, where we were headed next.
American IPA (Brasseria della Fonte, Pienza, Italia) 6.7%
Yellow with a slight haze. There was a sense of hops coming through, a bit tame.