On the very south of South Ronaldsay lies The Tomb of The Eagles. This is as old as Skara Brae and was discovered in the lifetime of Hector. So called because of the bones found in the Burial Chamber this is a blink and you’ll miss it experience. The roof has been concreted over else the discovery would be near impossible to maintain. This means one has to crawl in through the opening, or avail oneself of the trolley. Two taps with a trowel achieves nothing, one can pull oneself through on a rope. No, it is not twenty feet of rope. En route from the farmhouse starting point one passes a Bronze Age settlement with a WWII German ambulance parked and rotting away beside it.
As a Visitor Attraction this site is made worth the entry fee by the enthusiasm of the talk given by the daughter of the Farmer who discovered the Tomb.