
Welcome to Bier-Traveller.com

Homepage Bier-TravellerHectre

This website has existed in the mind of Hector since the birth of the Internet. The sister site  Curry-Heute  arrived first, an easier task by far.

The Bier

With Bier tasting notes going back some twenty plus years, and a clouded memory going back even further, it’ll take more time than I’ll ever have to create a website that can stand comparison to commercial sites.

What makes Bier-Traveller unique is that every place quoted has been visited in person by Hector, therefore the experiences/opinions and photographs are mine. If one’s taste in Bier tends towards abundant Hops, and latterly lactose laden – milkshakes – then what is shared should be enjoyed. However Sarah Hughes’ Dark Ruby Mild and Schlenkerla Rauchbier are far from this description and equally appreciated.  There is Bier with recognisable taste, and sadly too many without.  The search for the Perfect Pint is continuous, one is frustrated when it is found and the brewers can no longer replicate it.

The Traveller

Maroc Bier-TRaveller.comFor Hector, a retired Geography Teacher, Travel is very much part of life.  The list of countries in the banner above gives background information to the locations visited.  From here, details on specific venues can also be accessed, Brewery Taps and Bier-outlets that have been experienced – first hand.  The Bier-Traveller Blog entries which run down the right side of the page therefore complement this root information.

Bier-Traveller has been active since 2011, taking years to complete anything like a worthy site. The Travels continue, new Bier is encountered, the best re-visited.  Hector therefore relies on Bier-Traveller as a diary, a reminder of the places.

Rome was not built in a day, but at least has some detailed coverage. There is so much of Italia to write, if only from the – Travel – aspect.  The coverage of  Bayern was commenced at the outset, a mammoth task, still nowhere near complete. The sections on Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and  Sächsen are representative of this Website in full mode. Berlin‘s coverage may be comprehensive, but shows how many more venues need to be visited.

The summer of 2012 saw Hector’s Heroic Homecoming, a return to Prague where the Hector myth was born.  2013 saw Tunisia making an appearance.  In 2014 – Hector Bounces Back – A Tour of Nordrhein-Westfalen, with a few surprises along the way. 2015 saw Fahren de Polen.

HECTOR ROMA 2016 MMXV1-22016 featured The India Trip, and further trips to Italia and Polska. In 2017 there was more Travelling than Blogging, though in celebration of the wonder that is Septem’s 8th Day (Mera) IPA, a lot of work was put into Greece/Hellas.

The Bier highlight of 2018: the trip to the West Coast – USA.  Seventeen days chasing – The Hop. The Blog entries start here.

2019 adds Corsica and Sardinia, islands everyone has heard of, but relatively few have visited.

In 2020, before Lockdown, there was an excellent trip to Lisboa. For Hector, Lockdown began a week early, the – Escape from Polska – ironically into Ost Deutschland, is reported. So many trips cancelled in 2020, Hector was briefly let loose towards the end of the year, and again in 2021.

2024 – Around The World In 80 Days

Bier-Traveller goes – Down Under, via Singapore, back to the USA, featuring a ten day tour of New England, and a few days in Canada.

Contact : hector@curry-heute.com

Setka Poznan Bier-Traveller (3)